Bloomming Room Dividers

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Room Divider Facet by Bloomming (or “Blooming”)
NEW Addition to Specialty Doors! Ever done a Google search for “hanging room divider” and wondered about that dazzling origami-like partition you recall seeing? Those are Bloomming’s room dividers, Facet (sometimes known as “Blooming room dividers”, or in the past, “Lightfacet Room Divider by Blooming“).
For 10+ years, names such as Mercedes-Benz, Microsoft, Oracle, Hilton Hotels, Sheraton Hotels and Universal Studios have used Facet partitions to create eye-popping spaces. Fashion magazines including Vogue and Elle have praised them for “challenging the foundations of architectural thought” and transforming rooms in a simple rotation.
Facet room dividers are designed & manufactured by Bloomming of Eindhoven, Netherlands. Specialty Doors & Hardware is the first official USA retailer of Bloomming products. With Facet’s popularity among hundreds of American designers, we entered this relationship out of a need to serve customers who prefer to order them directly with an American company.
Now Available with Fast 1-week Free Shipping to the USA.
They are assembled from individual diamond shapes that the user can rotate to play with transparency, manage privacy, and create any pattern imaginable. A dynamic, ever-changing creative look emerges; natural light is controlled; and air flows free from one part of the room to another. Every occupant can project their imagination on your room by simply turning the elements.